- Email [email protected]
- Phone +966 54 299 5922
Pre-school has an ‘open door policy’ and also offer a free trial session to all children.
We have a very large indoor space allowing us to have designated areas for different types
We have a very large indoor space allowing us to have designated areas for different types
We have a very large indoor space allowing us to have designated areas for different types
We have a very large indoor space allowing us to have designated areas for different types
Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.
Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.
Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.
Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.
Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.
Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.
We are constantly expanding the range of services offered
شكرًا معلمات العقول المفكرة الرائعات على جميع مجهوداتكم ولكل ما تقدموه لأطفالنا Happy Teacher's Day
الله يحميكم ويحفظكم ... شكرً العقول المفكرة كنتم ومازلتم مبدعون لم تكتفوا بتعلم الطفل فقط بل أيضًا مساعدة الأهل لحصد نتائج تعليمية رائعة اهنييييكم على هذا التميز و الإبداع والله يعطيكم ألف عافية على النصائح
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